Pros & Cons of Having a Large Wedding Party

Once you’re engaged and start planning your wedding day, one of the biggest challenges that you will face is who to choose to stand beside you on your big day. Some couples prefer to keep their wedding party small, while others opt for a large party of all their loved ones.

There are advantages and disadvantages to going all out with a large wedding party, just as there are for a smaller wedding party. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of going big with your bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Pro: No one gets their feelings hurt

In many cases, a small wedding party can lead to friends or family members feeling left out. But with a larger wedding party, you can avoid disappointing your loved ones and avoid any drama that comes with choosing one person over another.

Con: Personalities may clash

More people in your wedding party means you could have personalities that clash or simply don’t get along with one another. if you have a wedding party member who tends to start drama or doesn’t play well with others, be sure to keep a sharp eye on them to ensure you don’t have to deal with additional stress.

Pro: Mix and match the looks

If you’re dreading trying to find one dress or color that looks good on everyone, a large wedding party is the perfect opportunity to mix and match. Have your bridesmaids choose dresses in a specific color scheme or palette, which will look amazing in photos if you have a large group.

Con: Agreement can be challenging

Many brides like to ask their wedding party for their opinions on attire, flowers, you name it. But with a large wedding party, you’re unlikely to get anything approaching a consensus, so avoid crowd-sourcing the details of your wedding planning process.

Pro: You’ll have more helping hands

Whether you need someone to pick up a relative from the airport or direct your photography around the venue, you will have plenty of bridesmaids and groomsmen on hand to help out. Multiple attendants means you can get help with everything from decorating and setup to tear-down. Just be sure to express your gratitude and avoid treating your wedding party like your personal assistants.

Con: Schedules can be hard to coordinate

Planning bachelor and bachelorette parties, as well as engagement parties and other pre-wedding get-togethers is a huge challenge with a large wedding party. Everyone has their own jobs and responsibilities, and if your wedding party members are scattered across the map, it will be even harder to arrange a time when everyone can get together.

Pro: Getting ready will be extra fun

A large wedding party can make getting ready for the big day feel like more of a celebration—and it should! If you’re prone to anxiety or nervousness, having all your friends gathered together and laughing can be just what you need to get in the wedding mood.

Con: Keeping everyone on time can be hard

Your wedding party members will have multiple responsibilities on your wedding day, most of which require them to be in a specific place at a specific time. If you have a large wedding party, it can be even more of a challenge to track everyone down and get them all where they need to, which is why it’s a good idea to have a wedding planner or assign someone you can trust, like your Maid of Honor or Best Man, to corral everyone.

Pro: Capture amazing photos

With so many personalities, your wedding party photos will be some of your favorite from your day. Even your posed portraits can be opportunities for creativity and fun, so let everyone show off their wild sides!

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